Why Use a Garden Glove

Deciding if you need a to wear a garden glove has probably crossed your mind many times and the answer is always the same, yes safety first. The purpose of wearing a garden glove is for the protection of your hands, to avoid any possible accidents from the use of a machinery, weeds that can cause bruises and itches and most important for the prevention of bacteria which can cause problems later on.

 What to Look for When Choosing a Glove

  • The glove should fit comfortably.
  • Have the ability to grip thorns or objects easily.
  • Long lasting.
  • Prevent blisters.
  • Water resistant.
  • Well made to avoid the penetration of sharp objects.
  • Breathable

 Rubber Gloves

Rubber in its natural form comes from the rubber plant which is grown in various parts of the world like India.  It is harvested and mixed with other compounds, refined, and used in many commercial products. This is natural rubber harvested in the form of latex. Due to the high demand for rubber products, it has been produced synthetically from petroleum by-products which is just like natural rubber.

While using rubber as a glove has some advantage like being cost effective to purchase, it is waterproof and has the ability to stretch easily fitting for the hands. It is not always suitable for your garden needs.

These gloves can crack and there is the risk of being poked easily while planting in the garden. Another disadvantage when using rubber is some people have severe allergies to latex which have been known to cause skin issues.

 Nitrile Gloves

Nitrile gloves are a synthetic polymer It has a strong resistance against chemicals and is used to handle strong chemicals to prevent contamination. Usually found in Hospitals.

It is waterproof and stronger than latex best suited to use for handling liquids like fertilizers or when using pesticides. Like rubber gloves it can puncture from thorns or sharp objects which is a disadvantage. On the other hand, it is the best option for people who have a sensitivity to latex.

 Vinyl Gloves

 These are synthetic gloves made from polyvinyl chloride. They are not as strong as the nitrile gloves and the recommended use is usually for short periods of time involving low risk situations.

They are cheaper to purchase but not recommended for heavy duty work around the yard unless it involves washing and light cleaning. They offer the least protection against infection. They contain less elasticity and will be loose fitting on the hands. The advantage is they are water and oil resistant and will get the job done in the garden provided that it is light duty work.

 Best Gloves for the Garden

 Leather Gloves

Leather is one of the best choices for use in the garden because they offer the best protection against thorns preventing scratches and cuts to your hands. They are usually made from animal hide like cows and pigs. This makes them puncture resistant protecting your hands from sharp objects. They offer leather padding and reinforced fingertips as an added safety. The disadvantage with leather is they can be bulky. Overlooking this component, they make the best choice for being strong and durable and will last for a long time as long as the proper care is utilized.

There are different options available for purchasing leather gloves. The elbow length gives the gardener the ability to reach shrubs like the rose bush which are covered with thorns to be protected from scratches. Or other bushy shrubs that are hard to reach.

The disadvantage is they are not always water resistant but if this is a concern look for those labelled water-resistant leather.

 Spandex Gloves

This is a synthetic fibre and is great for elasticity which has the ability to stretch five times its length making it very flexible and strong. It is water- proof and able to get the job done for the garden. It will fit snug on the hands and for any concerns with dirt getting into the glove this will solve that issue. It will not guard you totally against thorny bushes which makes them a disadvantage.

 Cotton Gloves

An alternative choice for those with allergies. They may not offer total protection from all the elements and from sharp objects. Using these types of gloves are mainly for light outdoor garden work and there is no pruning of sharp limbs or citrus trees or anything that has thorns. The advantage in using this glove is they are washable and are easily stored as clean item until its ready for the next use.

 Nylon Gloves

 Nylon is synthetically made from petroleum and is known for its elasticity and strength. It has a high resistance to mildew and is mostly used for items that will be displayed without leaving a smudge mark by fingerprints. I would not recommend this for heavy duty work but if there are items needed to be on display in the garden this glove will assist in making your display looking great.

 The Advantages of Using a Garden Glove

 If you are using animal manure and any form of compose materials, although they are an excellent source of nutrients for the plants it does contain various bacteria which can cause infections. The garden glove will assist to eradicate that possibility and prevent your hands from being contaminated. If you are digging a hole in the ground, it’s impossible to tell what could be lurking under the ground you are uprooting.

 Besides the bacteria prevention there can be sharp objects buried and there is the risk of developing tetanus infections where this bacterium known as clostridium tetani enters the body which causes symptoms like locked jaw and different muscle spasm.

 Another form of bacteria that is usually found in potting mix is legionella or legionnaires disease. This is a form of pneumonia caused through by inhaling and is spread to humans through poor hygiene. Washing your hands with soap and water is essential to avoid contaminated hands spreading to various parts of the body.

 Prevent yourself from fungi derived from fungus which can enter through the skin which can cause different rashes and compromising the immune system. Taking a precautionary measure is always advised with the proper gear for gardening.

 E-coli has been found in many soils and the food source resulting in many recalls. The food becomes dangerous if consumed. This bacterium has been found to be able to survive for months. Thankfully with the presence of the sunshine and exposure to extreme temperatures it eventually dies.

 Sepsis can occur because of wound caused by thorny bushes that break the skin causing and introducing the bacteria through the broken skin causing the rick of being infected. It is considered serious and can cause organ failure resulting in the death of a person.

 Insects while they have a job to perform with plants, be cautious that they can bite and sting causing problems with those who may have severe allergies from bees, wasp or even spiders. Wearing a glove is an added precaution against these insects.

 The Disadvantage in Using a Garden Glove

 I have found very few disadvantages to wearing a garden glove other than it may not always have the perfect fit. They are sometimes uncomfortable to wear. Some may not have the proper grip to grasps things. There is always the chance that they can rip or tear leaving your hands exposed. Using them for long periods of time create sweaty hands which become uncomfortable and causes the gloves to become slippery and harder to grasp things. You may also find yourself having blisters or irritations from excessive use. Sterilization can be a problem depending on the type of glove in your possession.

 Consider Wearing a Mask or Face Covering

Being compelled to wear a face mask for a couple of years during the pandemic may not be something anyone wants to hear at the moment. Just consider bacteria that can spead through the air. It’s an excellent way to prevent some of these bacteria from being trapped in the body. So, it’s a preventative measure to consider while planting.

 Make the Best Decision

 When you examine the benefits of using a garden glove, you will notice that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Considering the dangers that can occur if you have not taken the proper precaution. A garden is a beautiful place to enjoy, and flowers are a beautiful creation for us to cherish. Taking your time to create your own paradise should be done without taking risk that can be detrimental to your life and well-being.

Evaluate what may seem to be a simple invention like a glove has the ability to guard against many diseases that some people take for granted every day. Life was made for us to enjoy and not to be concerned abound problems that have simple solutions.

I suggest visiting your local garden centres or your on-line store of your choice to see what is best for you. Staying in your budget is a wise decision and choose a glove that will last for a few years. You may also want to consider how to care for these gloves.

If you are a gardener who enjoy the outdoors for long periods of time it a good idea to make sure that the glove you have chosen can accommodate this time period. Those that are breathable will assist with this.

For anyone who have allergies to latex and other synthetic materials cotton will be better. You may also consider that these will not offer total protection but one advantage to cotton is they are washable and will get rid of bacteria that is deposited from the plant. Wearing them for shorter periods of time will help and removing them from the hands to give some time for the skin to breath. As a whole wearing gloves for long periods of time will result in sweaty hands especially if it is an extremely hot day. If you have been fortunate to have several pairs switching to another is helpful.

 Reviews are Always Helpful

 Shopping online has now become a trend. A good way to review these items is to see what other people think about the product and usually they are rated by stars. Reading about other consumer’s experience will give you a view of whether the product is worth purchasing. Take your time to review these comments and see what makes good sense to you. You also have the option to contact the consumer online and ask questions or concerns about the item. It a good way to help in your decision making.

 Most purchases I have made are based on the reviews of the product. It gives the reader a general idea of the performance and if it is worth buying. If this is not your preference, then you may just have to take the chance that you have done a thorough review of the product and stay with the decision that you have made.

 I am hopeful that bringing these precautions to light you will make the decision to wear a protective gear. Garden gloves are much safer than using your bare hands although some people prefer to feel the actual dirt between their fingers and get their hands dirty. It certainly is not worth taking the risk which can lead to long term health conditions which are preventable.

You want to be able to enjoy this little paradise that you have created, whether it is a full-size garden, a raised garden or even planted in a pot. The solution will always be the same.

With so many options of garden accessories available both online and also at your local store it gives you the opportunity to make the best choice. You can always talk to the gardener at the local store for more information. Some of the best advice given are those who have been in the business for a long time with hands-on experience. So, make wise decisions and take all precautions necessary while attending to your garden.



















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