Using Practical Steps to Make your Garden Eco-Friendly

Using Practical Steps to Make your Garden Eco-Friendly

Preservation is an important step in the protection of plants and animals. This can be effective if we  choose to engage in a lifestyle that embraces change and take steps to ensure that nothing that we have been given should be taken for granted. One way is to choose to participate in an eco-friendly garden. 

An eco- friendly garden is a sustainable garden that focuses on conservation techniques by recycling in order to preserve the environment and its eco-system. By using some of these methods like water conservation, solar lighting, wind to generate power, composting and others forms of recycling this will help to protect the environment. 


Some countries have never experience what it is like to live in drought conditions. Often the convenience of having easy access  to water is taken for granted.  We expect that this provision will always be around and never consider what would happen if it stopped raining for a season.  Usually, a significant amount of water is just wasted. This could be recycled to reduce the amount of water that goes into the sewers, somehow not much thought is given to the idea that each household could consider conserving it. Perhaps it is time to start thinking about this for the future.

There are countries around the world are prone to rainy season and also experience drought periods. They have implemented the practice of  conservation and recycling of water. Rain barrels have become a way of life and to ensure that there is adequate water supply. Some homes are constructed with a water tank to ensure that they are not deficient of water, and it is available at all times in order to sustain life.

Rejuvenate your Soil

If you continually use the same soil year after year eventually you will observe that your garden is not producing bountifully then it time to check what is happening with the soil. Gardening takes time and to continue to plant continuously in the same space suggest that sooner or later that ground will need to rest from planting. That means you should not be using the same soil continuously without giving it a break. 

You may want to farm on a portion of the garden at a time or if that is not possible then the soil needs to be recycled. Adding organic matter is one way. Or removing it entirely and rejuvenate the area by adding new soil would be adequate to bring some life back into the area. Consider composting with scrap food to bring a rich organic soil. Not many people enjoy adding manure to the soil. If you are able to get grass fed manure that will add so many nutrients to the soil.  Or encourage earthworms and let them help by blending the soil and leaving their rich deposit into the ground to creating a fertile space to plant. Adding synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are not encouraged in an eco-friendly garden. We have seen the effects pesticides on animals and the reduction of pollinators. 

This type of garden encourages the use of natural pesticides some of which can be made at home or readily available in stores. Once you have discovered what works  in your garden there is a good chance that you will be inspired to use natural products to produce a healthy garden and encourage original species of plant grown in your own area to entice pollinators to visit.

Erosion Control

Erosion occurs when the top layer of the soil begins to deteriorate by elements like wind or water. Humans and animals along with earth movements also make a vital contribution to this process. An example of erosion is a river that continues on the same path over time it continues to remove deposits of soil and places them elsewhere changing the landscape of that riverbed. Oceans have caused the same problems as they move rocks and sand depositing them in different areas. Hurricanes combines wind and water working together to form a destructive path taking along with it anything it can find making changes to any landscape.

Erosion can be slowed down, and preventative measures have to be taken to preserve land for farming and for human safety to avoid flooding. Planting trees or shrubs are crucial to help stabilize the soil. Trees add strong roots and can help with flooding as the roots help to remove and transport water to the plant. Trees also help as wind breakers that can cause many destruction especially in the event of a tornado which takes anything in its path and moves it in any direction.

Adding retaining walls some are made with rocks encased with stones or wood structures are helpful. Sandbags have been used and are quite helpful to avoid flooding. Avoiding rigorous tilling of the ground especially where heavy equipment is used which can cause instability of the ground causing poor drainage and flooding. The use of ground cover crops like pumpkin, peas, watermelon, grass are ways to help in the preservation of the soil.

Allowing a professional to reshape the land by grading which helps to control the amount of water during rainy periods to create proper drainage. If this is not properly done it could leave to a disruption of the drainage pattern which could lead to flooding and dampness in the area or even worse an unwanted pool.


Our society makes it easy to find the things we need for purchase easily and therefore recycling becomes a secondary thought. With many stores now online they have turned us into shoppers. There are many items that are thrown in the garbage which could be repurpose for any garden. The eco-friendly garden looks at items that can be reused for another purpose and reduces the amount of waste that gets thrown away. Old flowerpots can be painted and reused, benches, vases, bird bath, birdhouses are some ideas that can be used. Recycling is not just limited to items but water especially when in use in the garden or even washing of cars and other household items . Kids in the summertime enjoy playing in a sprinkler and this water can be saved and reused so it does not go in the sewer but is repurposed for the use of the garden.

A good conservation method is to use a timer in the garden. It will shut automatically off based on the time set. The use of self-watering pots and other devices are now popular which helps with the control and the need to constantly water the plants. Take advantage of the sunshine by adding solar powered devices which help to generate light naturally and also enhances the garden making it attractive at nights.

The installation of an underground sprinkler system has been effective in  conserving a substantial amount of water by using a timer. It is also beneficial as the water goes directly to the root of the plant instead of being sprinkled everywhere some of which is wasted and becomes unproductive. It is helpful especially for those who will go on vacation for extended periods away from home and will need their garden watered.


Use organic mulch anything that is able to breakdown easily in the soil can be used. The leaves from trees and barks from newly cut trees can be considered as organic provided that there has been no trace of pesticides used on the tree. Dried hay or fresh grass can be used, and, in this way, it is being recycled and put to good use. When mulch is added to the soil it conserves the moisture creating a layer and helps to reducing the amount of water required. It becomes a filter for the water which aids in delivering the water at a much slower pace instead of over saturating the plant.

Benefits of Biodiversity

A garden that focuses on natural plants grown in the area is a way to encourage biodiversity and engages in its own eco-system. Grow plants that attract butterflies, bees, birds and other insects that will allow pollination to occur. Creating a good habitat for these pollinators to dwell will ensure that they will return to your garden each season. Do research about the area that you are living in and see which plants, vegetables, trees and shrubs are best suited for the area. Once this knowledge is obtained you are better able to understand how to co-exist with these pollinators. In the long run what you will create is your own eco-system in your own space.

Avoid Tilling

The no-tilling of the soil is a method to reduce and conserve the natural formation of the soil. Once the ground is disrupted it can create problems with drainage and can never ensure that the naturally nutrients like phosphorous, nitrogen, potassium and others are still there. We can never be sure how much we have taken out or how much is needed to replace this damage. After the ground is tilled then we need to ensure that it is stabilized, and these nutrients are replaced.

Natural Pest Control

There will always be pest that are attracted to our plants. It is the method we use in removing them that is important. The eco-friendly garden will not engage in any chemicals or pesticides to treat any infestation. Companion gardening is a way to remove some pests by planting crops together that will work and act as a repellant for in a natural way to remove them.  I have use clove water and found it effective in getting rid of some pest on vegetable plants. A light soapy water, or giving the plant a good hose down can be effective are some choices that can be suitable to make your garden eco-friendly.

Self-Sufficient Garden

These gardens have become quite popular over time especially with the high cost of living and inflation hitting everyone. There is a need to grow more food in your own space. A few years back it would be considered easier to go to the store and buy what is needed. As we become more conscious of how little our money is able to cover the basic needs.

It becomes important that we consider planting more so we are able to keep more money in our pockets. Your own garden goes along way especially if proper care is given using the organic methods. You will discover a better product than the store-bought ones and you will spend much less at the store because your garden will be supplying you with most of your vegetables and fruits needed and less money is spent outside of the home.

Some vegetables are easier to grow that others and some will produce an abundance of harvest. Vegetables like squash, peas, spinach, cucumber, pumpkin, tomatoes and zucchini are usually not difficult to grow. These can produce a bountiful harvest. Fruits like berries especially strawberries can produce a good quantity. When some vegetables become expensive purchases a good way to save money is to grow them in your garden and reduce your expenses.

Ensure that in your garden soil is blended with compost from left over foods creating a rich blend of soil. Manure can be added and if it is grass fed it is the best to add. Branches from trees or saw wood, leaves are organic materials worth adding.

Crop Rotation

Avoid planting the same crop in the same location. Historically this practice of crop rotation has been practiced for many years and has been handed down as a preventive method against a total loss in the event of diseases or blight.  It is also used as a method of controlling pests and diseases.

By making changes to the type of crops grown it helps to upgrade the soil as certain plants are beneficial as they add nutrients like nitrogen, calcium, phosphorous and other essential nutritional value. Once these crops are added they introduce the natural sustenance which are helpful to the soil and avoids the need to use synthetic fertilizers which are not recommended in the eco-friendly garden.

The eco-friendly garden seeks to use a technique of gardening which is focused on using natural products which will not harm the environment. Besides adding nutrients crop rotation has the ability to supress the types of weed that may be prone to grow in the same area. This causes a disruption of their growth pattern. In the long run  it becomes a preventive method to removing the weeds that may be prone to grow with a particular crop.

By continuing to implement these practical steps and techniques of water conservation by recycling and composting to reduce the amount of waste products that goes into the garbage. Not only for the garden in the outdoor space but also the eco-friendly garden can be brought indoors by using recycled materials as containers for plants. Using compost soil, making your garden portable with the use of grow bags and planting gardens on balconies and in smaller spaces. Using these techniques as recommended in this way you will be engaging in conservation.

You may question why should anyone change to an eco-friendly garden ? When you consider the amount of health-related issues in our society it is good to look at what could be some of the causes. Researchers in these various topic require years of experiments and research findings and once the information is released to the public you may already have been using this product for a long time. It is best to find a healthy way before it becomes a health-related issue.

Historically the use of pesticides may seem to have been the best choice then. Now new discoveries on the dangers of their use regarding health has been discovered. Researchers have concluded that some of these pesticides are not good for our health and can cause problems that are detrimental to our health. With this in mind, it becomes necessary to make the right choices. This is where the eco-friendly garden using the natural products becomes the best way. Growing your own food in your own space and knowing that everything grown is healthy to be consumed.

Countries like Japan in Okinawa they have a large amount of centurions living in the community and they have attributed their longevity to their diet eating a lot of vegetables grown naturally and enjoying the activities of outdoor gardening. If we begin to study their lifestyle and adapt to this change, we can also have this lifestyle available to us. The way we grow and eat our food is important to sustain life.

It only takes a small amount of people to begin to make changes to any society and others will follow. If we begin to take these steps early, then it gives us a chance to improve what has been destroyed and taking the necessary steps to improve the future by preservation instead of destroying it. Let us create communities that embrace change through education. Allowing our minds to think outside of the box with new concepts and creative methods of gardening and in turn we will create a heathier and better place to live.



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