Basil in a self-watering container

Use These Plants to Make a Simple Herb Garden


Herb gardens don’t have to be elaborate they can be made very simple and one of the best places to put them is in an area close to your kitchen. In this way they become easily available especially if you spend a lot of time in the kitchen preparing delicious meals. Planting them in containers with adequate sunlight is the best way to keep them growing and happy. Furthermore, they do not take up much room and so it is a way to conserve space especially if you are living in a small home.

Generally, we always seem to have a tenancy to pick what we enjoy the most or what is familiar. However, you may want to be a bit creative and choose some herbs that you have never used before in order to create new dishes and also to use in teas to combat other health related issues.

Traditional Herb Uses

Historically many cultures like the Caribbean , Asia and Africa still practice the use of traditional herbs to treat different ailments from fevers to stomach aches, rashes and also to boost the immune system. With this in mind a good start is to learn as much as you can about different herbs and the benefits of having them and choose the ones that will be beneficial to your overall health and incorporate them into teas and other dishes.


A very popular herb and quite invasive if not planted in a controlled environment. Most gardeners especially beginners grow this because it is easy to grow and there is a slim chance of failure with this herb. It has been known to help with some stomach disorders and is always used in many deserts and added as a garnish to display foods. It makes an excellent healthy tea. If you are bothered by spiders it helps in keeping them away as they dislike the smell. An overall low maintenance herb that grows well indoors with adequate sunlight.


Our society have now become very health conscious and generally one of the most frequently questions we ask ourselves when buying anything how healthy is this for me ? Thyme has existed for many years and used in ancient times and even today to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It contains anti-bacterial properties and is known for boosting the immune system.

There are many varieties, and I have experiment with the broad leaf thyme and find it to be quite pleasant and very easy to grow but requires some sunlight and trimming so that it will not be completely out of control. Water when completely dry. Having this plant indoors is great and can be used in all seasons, especially in the cold winter months. If your plant is becoming overgrown, you can preserve the leaves by placing them in a brown paper bag and keep it in a cupboard and away from the fridge and it should last for some time.


This herb has been known to help with hair growth and more recently have become quite popular with many people making their own hair growing oil and have testified of their hair improvement. Everything should be done in moderate and tested on your own body to see if you are compatible with it. Besides this it is great for flavouring especially in turkey and other meat dishes and also makes a good tea.

This is a fragrant shrub that may grow more than three feet tall. The leaves are needle like and reminds me of a small Christmas tree. It has been known to be hardy and can withstand some cold temperatures. If you live in a dry area which is prone to drought conditions this plant will be able to adapt to this environment. Place the plant in a fairly large container with access to sunlight. Eventually it will grow large enough and will need to be pruned. The clipping can be dried and used at a later date for teas or if you are adventurous infused with your preferred carrier oil and used as a hair treatment.


Found in the Caribbean and Asian countries which experience tropical weather. It is a part of the grass family and will grow well in pots but will need to be pruned. It makes a wonderful tea and has the smell and taste of lemon. It is found in many Thai recipes and makes a perfect container plant indoors. In the Caribbean countries it is used frequently to eliminate fevers and is known as fever grass (Cymbopogon Citratus). It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and have been used as a method to eliminate colds. A sunny area with several hours of sunlight will be adequate. Be careful not to over water the plant. Enjoy the additional benefits of having this plant as it helps to eliminate mosquitoes.


When we think of this herb, we naturally associate it with the Italian culture and their authentic dishes. However, this herb was originally found in India and brought through migration to Italy. Basil is used in many dishes and sauces; it can be used as a tea and is found to have antioxidant properties and used in the treatment of many ailments including colds.  It is also used as an essential oil. I had placed my plant in an area with limited sunlight and I noticed some wilting of the leaves. I then added a grow light, and have it kept in a self-watering pot to create the moisture it needs. Then I added a bit of miracle grow fertilizer and it seems to be doing well.

Basil needs a moist soil with several hours of sunlight and pay attention to the plant to make sure it is healthy and has the required nutrients for its survival.


They are found in Europe, Asia and North America and countries that have a warm climate and belongs to the Allium family. They are available in different varieties with flavours of like garlic and onion. It is found to be rich in vitamin C and other nutrients. They contain antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The key to growing these plants is to place them in a container to avoid overgrowth and lots of sunshine with a moist soil that is well drained. Best known for dishes with potato, sauces with sour cream and also as flavouring for meats. Once harvested it will continue to be replenished.


Originally found in the Mediterranean regions. This herb has been used historically to treat ailment like colds and is also a short-term remedy for toothaches. This is due to the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that it contains. Oil of oregano is found in most health stores and is used by many to treat colds and flu symptoms be aware of its strong taste.

The oregano plant will need a good amount of sunshine and when it comes to watering do this task only when necessary. If this is one of the herbs that is frequently used in your kitchen it would be a preferred herb to grow so the leaves can be harvest fresh to enhance the taste of the dishes you are making.


This herb is used by many chefs as a garnish but besides this it is known for its vitamin C and other vitamin content.   It is great to keep in pots and is quite flavourful in many dishes like soups. It is grown world-wide and will be adaptable with a climate that has sunshine. It will not tolerate a cold weather and there is a good chance that if left outside in winter it will need to be replanted.

 A good way to keep the plant healthy is by making good use of your compost and making sure it has sufficient sunlight. It’s a good herb to start indoors for the winter and then transfer to the outdoor space as the weather gets warmer. You may also want to grow both species the curly leaf and the flat leaves which are both enjoyable in any dish.


I began to grow this plant by seeds and if I had to do it again, I would buy it from a garden centre because it has taken a while to begin to grow. Perhaps the alternative way would be to start it earlier in the season. Once the growth has been establish it is a beautiful plant that you would want to have around due it it’s fragrance and have been known for its healing and calming properties. Lavender is used in many skin care products, essential oils, sachets for sleep disorders, baths, as aromatherapy, teas and may other uses. This makes it a good choice to keep in the garden. Besides it is also known as a good pollinator attraction for many insects which will boost your garden productivity.

Growing it from the seed is an option but it takes some time and if you live in areas where the summer season is shorter then I would recommend buying the plant. The plant blooms blue to purple flowers and will need a good drainage soil with lots of sunlight. Water the plan only when needed and an easy way is to test the soil to see if it dry then water. The flowers can be dried and harvested to be used as sachets for a fresh scent or as teas or you may prefer to hang them in the inverted in the kitchen to dry them and use as natural way to create a fresh scent in the space.


Best known for its tea and for it calming effect. Camomile is used to treat many ailments like colds and inflammation. It is used as an essential oil and the most popular is the German plant which can grow up over two feet tall. The seeds are very small and if you are starting it from the seed, it is best to plant a few in the same area and then separate the plant after they have begun to grow. Camomile requires full sun and a temperature that is not too humid. It needs adequate water to keep the plant flourishing.

You could start them indoors but eventually they will need to be planted in an outdoor garden as the plant can become a bit bushy. Once the plant has become mature and the have begun to flower where the petals have matured then it is time to harvest. Drying the flowers and using it in teas is one way to enjoy this flavourful scented herb.


It has been made popular by the Europeans and can now be found in many cuisines around the world. It is added in salads to balance its distinct spicy bitter taste. It is rich in vitamins C, calcium, vitamin K, Iron and other vitamins. It has been known to boost the immune system. This is not surprising because of the nutrient content. It is popular in Asian and Italian dishes and the seeds are used for oil in some cultures.

Arugula is easy to grow with minimal care. It requires a hot climate with a well-drained  and sandy soil. Expect to harvest this plant quicky. Do not leave it in the ground for too long as the leaves will become bitter in taste.


A native plant grown in Asia, Europe and in the Caribbean. It is used in salads, stews and soups and also used to make a powerful juice packed with vitamins. It is rich in vitamin C, K, Calcium, Iron, Potassium and other vitamins. This plant is considered a super healthy plant because of the nutrients it contains. It is an aquatic plant which grows well in free-flowing streams or can be planted in moist soil. It is important to note that if this plant is grown in free-flowing water it must be free from bacteria and cannot be contaminated with any runoff from sewage or animals which can cause a lot of health-related issues if consumed.

 A good plant to keep in a self-watering planter as it will need a lot of moisture to keep flourishing. If you are fortunate to have a stream on your property this would be the ideal plant to grow. Watercress  requires full sunshine and in three months can be easily harvested. When harvesting cut from the top and leave the roots behind so the plants will be able to regrow.

Enjoying your Herb Garden

It is time for us all to be aware and to enjoy the benefits of having your own herb garden. Not only are you benefiting by making it easily accessible, but also achieving a healthy lifestyle at the same time. Growing herbs add a lot of nutrition to your diet as some herbs are packed with vitamins and minerals. In the long run it is worth taking the time to know and to reap the benefits that are available in the plant life. Some are best eaten in salads others are better cooked and having them as teas is also good especially after an enjoyable evening meal. It helps with the digestive system after eating.

Most plants especially tropical ones require a good potting mix if grown in containers as well as a well-drained soil. Sunshine is a valid component for the health of any plant therefore if your plant is in a shaded area indoors use a grow light to help. Or relocate it where the sun is more prominent. Adding compost to the soil is always helpful to produce healthy plants. Most plants require adequate amount of water to keep them alive. On the other hand, overwatering will cause issues it is good to know more about the plant you are going to be taking care of to be a successful gardener.

Self-watering devices are available for anyone who has a hard time remembering to water their plants.They now have unique devices with timers that allow just the right amount of water to be distributed to the plant. In this way there is very little to be done and the plant functions in its own eco-system. Occasionally you may need to add some fertilizers. Aquatic plants will require a lot of care and water especially for plants like watercress. Although it can be challenging it is worth trying because of the vitamin and nutrient content. This could be a method to enhance your garden space by adding a flowing water feature to the space and at the same time grow watercress. In this way the garden will provide dual benefits to the gardener.

Creating an herb garden is not a difficult task it takes time, care and a bit of planning for how the space will be used. There are many options from vertical spaces to container garden, indoor container, balconies, decks, raised garden beds. Now with the introduction of grow bags which makes it easier to place them in locations with no digging or disruption to the ground. What is great about having an herb garden is the idea that they will not grow into large plants which can be overwhelming and if some trimming is required the leaves can be dried for teas or used in a variety of dishes. At the end of the season there is a sense of accomplishment knowing that what you have put in the garden is being consumed without chemicals and is a much healthier product.






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