Urban Gardening

Urban Gardening

With the attraction that urban areas hold in motivating people to move closer to work, eventually there will be a demand for food. Using the concept of unused space or land for that purpose has become more prevalent and could be a solution to combat any food shortage or transportation of food making everything more accessible.

 What is Urban Gardening

 This is a method of producing food or plants or vegetables and livestock like chickens, and other animals in urban spaces. This includes rooftops, balconies, backyards and it becomes more advanced with the cooperation of the community with an assigned plot of land to be developed for the purpose of producing crops for a community garden.

The advantage of this type of food production is a much healthier product is produced and it reduces the stress of having to depend on an external food supply chain. It also allows for individuals to be creative with the space they are allotted. It could include raised garden beds, vertical gardens, companion gardening or container gardening.


This type of gardening does not come without challenges. Using the space of a roof top can be concerning if the building has not been equipped with a water supply that is easily accessible.

Another concern is how much sunlight is available when considering the location of the building. Also, there is always the need to be aware of the laws for zoning and other regulatory obstacles that can present themselves. The infrastructure is important to be considered like age and foundation of the building or its capacity to handle all the requirements necessary to get this started and the ability to assume the cost associated with this.


Quite often there are unused land which are unattended and left to the elements in many communities which can be put to better use. With the introduction of this type of gardening in the community it encourages them to develop bonds with each other through their interaction. They learn new concepts of gardening by sharing information with each other. Individuals develop a sense of pride to care for their surroundings which leads to a better engagement of the community. It instills values and teaches the younger generation to participate with the older and both will be learning from each other at the same time.

It was unfortunate that we had to endure years of lockdown in our homes during the pandemic. However out of this terrible situation came new opportunities to take advantage of the space we have available, and many people began to grow their own food to subsidise loss of income. They utilized their balconies, backyards, decks, implemented raised gardens and other methods and using whatever was available to them.

It is evident that being totally dependent on an external supplier for some things is not always the best choice. The key is to take advantage of what can be grown in our own space or community in an effort to reduce and implement eco-friendly practices like composing and re-using rainwater. By making these choices we are helping the environment by reducing the carbon footprint as we engage in more local food production.

 In some countries rainwater is a valuable source of precipitation and is stored with a drainage system and kept in plastic barrels or containers for many uses especially for gardens. This system is helpful because of the hot climate and assist with areas that are prone to drought conditions.

Consider rainwater being used as a practical solution for roof top gardens. The rain waters the garden and in doing so aids in the reduction of water that is going into the sewer. It can also be harnessed and used for other gardens and is beneficial both for the urban gardener and also assisting the community by reducing this utility cost.

 Creating a Green Space

 Engaging in any activity that involves interaction with plants is an immense benefit to your well-being. By being outdoors and among plants lets one feel relaxed and this in turn releases your stress which improves your physical and mental health. Exercise is great for your circulation and your body, by removing your focus from your problems to enjoy what is before you. There is nothing more enjoyable for a gardener to see the seed that was sewn into the ground grow and produce what it was intended to do. This creates a sense of accomplishment.

 It is generally easier to consume what is home grown and often it encourages a healthier eating habit. The food seems to taste better, and you are not left with any surprises wondering how to get rid of the pesticides on the food. Green spaces create opportunity to learn about the plants, how to take care of them and what is the best natural fertilizers to produce larger yields.


Careful planning of the location will have to be essential for its productivity. There is aways a limited space with urban gardens. Considering a rooftop garden generally it restricted with the amount of space so that limits what can be planted. An effective vertical garden or companion garden becomes useful in the arrangement of this space.

Plants are usually grown in close proximity to each other so there is a risk of pests. There must be proper management for the garden to be fruitful.

Education is an important factor to consider and a careful study of how to effectively care for this garden is an important and a necessary skill.

If the community is not involved in this, then it will not be an effective solution.

 Creating a Successful Urban Garden

 A great way to start is to do a thorough research to avoid any mistakes. It would be helpful if you engage others who have been involved in this type of gardening. Any firsthand knowledge learnt through experience is always best. If it is in a community setting an interaction and participation is important especially if individuals have skills that can be helpful to achieve its success. Create a plan that will outline the specific crops that will be beneficial to the community or as an individual garden.

 The location is important for it to be a successful garden, including the knowledge and skill involved together with how to operate it with the proper resources needed like tools. There are factors to consider like sunlight, the availability of water, composting, wind, eco-friendly. The plan will have to take these factors into consideration.

 Be selective about the type of plants that will be grown. You can also participate with other communities and decide on selective plants that will be grown in each community. At harvest time there can be an exchange of the produce. Or even market the produce for the betterment off the community. The proceeds can go towards another project or an improvement that is needed for the benefit of everyone. Decide if you will be using companion gardening or vertical garden or other traditional methods.

 Eco-Friendly Practices

 This term has been used frequently and what it means is to use recycled materials that are not harming the environment. A method of preserving what is available to us so it will be able to last for a long time.

 One way is to reduce the amount of pesticides used to remove pest and use alternative methods that are more natural and less harmful to both humans and the environment. There is so much wasted food going in the garbage, a good way to recycle this is to compost. This is a method of the breakdown of food which creates a rich soil and is very healthy for plants.

 Mulching is a natural way to reduce weeds and create moisture for the plants which helps in the reduction of the frequency of watering the plants. Recycling rainwater by using a rain barrel will reduce the amount of water needed to sustain the plants.

Use recycled materials to create raised, vertical or garden beds. Be selective about the type of materials used and should be clearly labelled.

 Solar power is a method of harnessing the sun’s rays and convert into energy which is stored in panels and converted into electrical energy used for both heating and cooling. Wind is also another method which is harnessed by using turbines both on the land and the sea and creates wind power used in many large-scale operations around the world.  There have been debates on this type of wind power whether it is too noisy if placed near a housing community and disruptive to individuals and their sleep patterns and also whether it is disruptive to the flight patterns of birds.

After the crop has been harvested, it is beneficial to save some seeds for the next season. This avoids repurchasing the plant and a good way to test the quality of the plant. If the crop has yield a lot and the taste is great. Keep some seeds and label them, then the next season you will be able to start the seedling early and continue to recycle them for an excellent crop.

 Education and Awareness

 The community garden serves as an educational platform promoting sustainability and the need to take care of our environment. It encourages leadership, creativity and promotes education by allowing individuals to learn about the environment and plant life. It serves to strengthen the community as they interact and bond with shared ideas and make connections with others.

Those who are more educated serve as teachers and helping others to understand the complexity of the science of living things. The community fosters a gathering place of togetherness making their environment a better place to live.

It serves as a useful resource for contacts and tools. Workshops are available and the opportunity for hands-on experience are more accessible. The community offers a chance to network with others and as a whole it is a great learning experience for everyone to share ideas and different stories which creates an advantage.

Some communities have done so well with this program that they are able to supply the less fortunate by supplying food banks which becomes an enhancement to that community and the hard work that is involved for it to be successful.

 Caring for the Environment

If we should consider the many factors why we should all encourage communities to grow their own food, we will conclude that it is important to preserve it so it will be continually sustainable. Planting more in urban spaces helps to control the quality of air that we are breathing. The plants are absorbing the carbon dioxide and replenishing it with oxygen creating a clean atmosphere.

Plants help to absorb heat by adjusting the air to a lower temperature by cooling it and creating an atmosphere that is better for breathing. Plants also absorb the pollutants and makes the environment more habitable.

Urban gardens are helpful in assisting to reduce the carbon emission. Growing your own, requires a reduction in the amount that is needed for transportation to the urban areas.

Another area of concern is storm management. As the rain falls there is less need to dispose of this water in the drainage system as the plants will absorb the rainwater and this in turn will be an added nutrient to the plant.

 Shared Gardens

Shared gardens are people agreeing collectively to grow a certain crop and share the produce at harvest. This is one of the best ways to develop communication and knowledge in the community is by using your own backyard as a garden space. In urban areas gardens require creativity to ensure that the space is utilized to its full potential.

Another way to use your space effectively is to collaborate with your neighbour that is interested, and you may grow one crop while they grow another and at harvest the produced is shared producing a variety of produce. You have eliminated the need to focus on too many plants and have adjusted your garden to focus on fewer plants.

Whether you have decided to participate in the community garden or your own back yard. By contributing to growing your own food, it is evident that green space offers a load of health benefits to the environment. If we can reduce the carbon emissions generated by the transportation of foods to our stores, we are doing our part to help to secure that the environment will be a sustainable place for the future.

















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