Self-Sufficiency : A Way to Future Gardening

Self-Sufficiency : A Way to Future Gardening

A growing concern with the amount of food recalls have many consumers rethinking about what purchases to make that is safe for consumption. As a result of this many are finding ways to grow their own food which guarantees a better product which is safer and healthier to consume without being anxious about its safety and their inability to keep track of all the foods that have been found unsafe to eat.

Not only are there concerns about the safety of the foods that are being produced but the rising cost of foods makes it difficult for those on a low income, retired with fixed incomes or anyone who may be facing hard times. Many are concerned with climate changes, and some are making decisions to choose a healthier lifestyles to prolong life.

We are eating much better now than we did in the past . With the introduction of a new labeling system on foods we now are more educated and have learnt more about the types of preservatives and other additives that are added to foods to keep the shelf life longer. I am sure you have come across some labels that you can’t even figure out how to pronounce what it is. That is concerning and so we are choosing to grow more foods than we did before.

What is Self-Sufficiency and its Advantages

This is the ability to be independent of help from any outside source to provide the basic needs in this case produce and eliminate the dependence on an external source for your necessities. This is encouraging to see that we are now participating in backyard gardens, growing foods on balconies and community gardens. An overall sense of accomplishment that we are making a big difference to the environment. We have engaged and participated with recycling by repurposing materials and composting of scrap foods which is converted to a rich organic soil. This is used in many gardens and the overall results produces an amazing and healthy crop.

It is not just limited to large areas of land development but can be accomplished in urban areas. If you have access to a balcony or an indoor space, use the area to grow food on a smaller scale and participate. At the end of the month your overall cost of food will be reduced saving yourself some money. A good method is to keep track of your spending before planting and calculate the saving after.

We have the ability of teaming up with our neighbours or friends by growing a variety of vegetables. This another way to participate and create variations of  vegetables. This involves one person growing one type of crop, and another growing a different type. We are engaging in  homestead gardens and other means of making sure we are participating and encouraging others and the younger generations to follow and make this concept reliable for the future and to continue to maintain a sustainable lifestyle.

Productive and Versatile Crops

Productive crops are the ones that will yield plenty like potatoes including the sweet potato, carrots, strawberries, melons, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, spinach and kale. Spinach is a fast-growing crop and in a short time you will be reaping and enjoying it. Versatile Crops are adaptable and can be used in many ways like corn is used for human consumption and can be used for animal feed. Barley is used in many beverages. Beans are part of the legume family and has the ability to convert nitrogen in the air and placing it into the soil. It is also a good companion for other produce.

Dark green vegetable also adds nutritional value to the soil. Other plants like tomatoes, squash and the sunflower are beneficial to any garden. The sunflower has the ability to attract pollinators like bees which assist in pollination and acts as a deterrent for pest like aphids. This plant will also remove pollutants like zinc and copper from the soil.

Choosing which crop to grow  will depend on your zone if you have access to a warm climate then it is possible to grow almost anything all year round. If you are limited with short season of summer, then you may want to choose crops that will have a quick turnaround before the frost sets in. For anyone with limited space it would be beneficial to choose crops like herbs, smaller vegetables like lettuce or teas and use a vertical structure to your advantage. This can be done if it is staked into a pot by allowing some vegetables like cucumber or peas to trail along the structure occupying less room and creating a space to grow more vegetables in a container.

Composting and Soil Health

A good way to make sure your garden is productive and stays healthy is to provide the nutrition it needs and one of the ways to do this is by composting. Instead of throwing  your leftover food scraps into the garbage you can put it to good use by setting up a compost bin and using this rich organic soil that is being produced to create a lush garden that plants will thrive in. It is effective and has been used for many years and many people have testified of how great this rich organic matter is for growing food. I wrote an article on this subject and if you need more information, I have included the link below :

Another method that will allow your plants to thrive is by using the companion gardening method. Planting certain crops together to offset certain insects which acts as a deterrent in the long run this is helpful to you as a gardener and the environment by avoiding the use of pesticides. The result is a much healthier produce and there is no concern about pollutants on the food.

Optimize Limited Space

Many of us have become aware that the homes being produced on the market for living accommodation have been shrinking. The cost of living makes it more difficult to own larger homes along with an aging population where we are thinking of retirement and reducing expenses especially when we consider the reduced income at retirement.  Smaller homes seem to be the trend, and we have accepted that we will need to be very creative to blend in with what is being produced.

New and innovative ways are showing us that we can create gardens vertically by stacking planters for herbs and other green plants. The use of trellises has now become popular for growing crops like peas and cucumbers and other plants that thrive in a vertical position. Using  fences and stand-alone structures as another means of growing things. The no-dig method of growing produce has now become popular. Which involves no digging of the soil but laying it to produce a garden. We have embraced new technology with the use of grow bags and have used containers as a means for growing plants. Overall, we have become more creative and have learnt new methods of innovation and of survival.

Conservation of Water

Water is such a precious commodity which we have taken for granted and expect it to be there at all times. It is important that we continue to think preservation at all times. On of the easiest ways to conserve water is to take advantage of rain. A rain barrel system can be set up and be reused to water your garden safely. Another method is to use mulch which is the easiest way to retain moisture and reduce evaporation.

Using a drip irrigation system is also beneficial especially for anyone living in small spaces. They now have devices that are programmable and allow you the option to select how much water the plant needs and the days that it requires it. A good option if you plan to leave home for extended periods or if you have trouble remembering to water your plants. If you prefer to be more creative, try making your own from recycled bottles and either create your own stoppers or they can be easily purchased online from stores like Amazon.

Harvesting Seeds

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault held by the Norwegian Government has the world’s largest collection of agricultural biodiversity of agricultural seeds. If they have gone through that extensive method to store seed, it tells us that we should be doing the same thing. We need to educate ourselves and how to store the seed properly for preservation. Seeds have to properly dried and stored correctly. To help with the drying process dry rice can be added to the packets to assist with moisture.

·      Harvest the seeds that have been produced from the best crop that are fully matured or wait for it to be dried on the plant.

·      Remove any debris by cleaning it thoroughly to avoid mold and pests.

·      Do not harvest any seeds from plants that have pests, seeds that seem inferior or damaged.

·      Place seeds in a clean tray and dry in a natural environment and not in direct sunlight.

·      Place in an airtight container, resealable bag, or a vacuum seal bag.

·      Label the container to identify what seeds are in it.

·      Store in a dry area and away from direct sunlight.

Confidence with Education

We cannot deny the importance of education in any field of study. Ignorance put you in a situation to depend entirely on someone else to answer the questions that you may have. The answer may be incorrect, and you are left with being in the same condition as you were before or maybe even worse. One of the ways to become educated is to attend workshops where there is a good chance that you will discover new ideas and communicate with others and the exchange of information through their own experience will be helpful to avoid mistakes in gardening.  

Workshops are generally organized by people with experience sharing the same goal where people have the chance to problem solve and share new information on products. One of the best ways to problem solve is to brainstorm where ideas are generally talked about openly. It creates opportunities to grow and learn through problem solving and finding solutions that will be beneficial for the future. It is this type of engaging that creates new relationships with new people, learning ways to build lasting connections and becoming educated on current technology. Workshops also introduces new tools that are beneficial and useful in the garden. It is  an opportunity to learn new skills where all can benefit and share ideas.

Blogs and YouTube channels and Podcasts create a wide variety of concepts and ideas to learn and grow through others who have shared their ideas, experiments and conclusions. By trying these ideas on a small scale it will become a learning curb and decisions can be made if these concepts should be expanded further. Some sites include a question-and-answer section, and many have forums allowing for some participation and sharing ideas.  Overall, it a good place to learn at a very low cost to you.

Overcoming Challenges

To a farmer sustainable gardening may prove to be a challenge because it demands minimal impact on the environment. We have the ability to make the change as we produce crops on a smaller scale and to do our part. Larger farmers are more reluctant to shift away from the traditional farming methods because it is more economical and can become costly to make drastic changes. It means choosing to transition to sustainable practices, composting and water conservation.

Investing in education and community projects are essential. Learning to use natural fertilizers rather then chemicals can become costly to large operations that have relied on the traditional methods. It involves the introduction of companion gardening as an option to treat pests and using plants like peas and sunflower as the alternative to remove contaminants from the soil. It encourages planting more crops that focuses on soil improvement to help control erosion.

Harvesting rainwater to help control the amount of water used and implementing a drip irrigation system and mulch are ways to help with the control of the moisture of the soil. Also, by planting certain crops to help control pest instead of using chemicals are encouraged. The land after it has been continually used will need a rest period and it is suggested to only farm a portion at a time so this practice can be adhered. This will allow the space to regain all the nutrients that have been extracted from it.

Urban space also faces challenges with the amount of crops that can be grown and the type of produce. Realizing that this is a challenge, let us not focus on what can’t be done but what can and if one person does a little, over time we will help to participate in this process.

Evaluating your Progress with a Journal

Keeping a journal is a good way to  track your progress. Journals help to evaluate and place life lessons together which is a constant reminder of progress and failures. Journals allows for a complete report of outcomes and results for the future. It is a way to keep track of seeds. Not all seeds are sowed need to planted at the same time. Some crops have a quick turnaround while others crop respond better as the season has a cooler climate. Crop rotation is essential to enhance the soil and to deter any pests that may be familiar with the garden. It is a method of deceiving them to believe that the plant is no longer there.

Pictures tell a great story and the best way to remember the garden layout and its history is to take as many pictures as possible. It is a quick reminder of where to place the next crop for the next season. It also gives a visual of the ones that are doing well and the others that have failed. A journal will remind you of the ones that did not perform well and reflection to consider if it was caused by soil, water, lack of enough sunlight or the season of planting was incorrect. Any correction for the next planting season can be made easily. Keep track of pruning schedule and times of fertilization so the plants will adjust easily to your schedule. At the end of the growing season keep seeds secured for the next period. This will continue the preservation and also gives you the opportunity to exchange seeds with others and be able to try new ones.

Expanding your Garden

Keep being inspired by your achievements. It a time of reflection looking back on how the garden has progressed or take a look at the mistakes and correct any errors made for the next planting season. One way to keep inspired is to continue to seek ways of improvement in making the garden better than before and staying educated. It is one of the best resources in moving forward. Sharing your achievements with others with some advice is supportive to others. It keeps them motivated and in the long run you are left with a sense of accomplishment.  It is my hope that by making a simple change in our lifestyle self-sufficiency can become a way to future gardening.


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