Plants That Do Well in Dry Conditions


The constant care of taking care of your garden can become tedious at times and sometimes we can all be forgetful about watering, pruning and even fertilizing to produce maximum growth and a vibrant garden.

Our lifestyles are often busy with so many things to do in a day. It is possible for our garden to become neglected, overgrown and in need of some care.

If this is your situation, then consider planting a drought- resistant or use plants that are adaptable to this type of environment where they will eventually become self-adaptable and function in an effective eco-system to sustain itself.



 These plants are drought tolerant bulbs and require minimum attention. They come in a variety of colours and thrive in a sunny environment with a well-drained soil. What makes them an excellent choice as they will return to your garden every year and will bloom for over a month. They are excellent in attracting pollinators like bees because the plant provides the nectar they require. Be aware that this plant sometimes causes allergies to humans and also careful consideration should be noted for pets as they can be toxic and cause skin irritations. Some of the most popular colours are white and yellow and have been used for landscaping.


Yellow Trumpet Daffodil

 Consider using these as they are noted for having long blooms and are found in many bright colours. They are great to use as boarders and flower beds and this choice will complement the other plants that are in your garden.


Double Daffodil

 A fragrant flower that is sure to make your garden smelling amazing. The flowers bloom in a variety of shades and some flowers showcase a bloom with a blend of two different colours. This will certainly enhance your garden. You may also want to consider using them as cut flowers to refresh your indoor space. They will usually bloom in mid-spring season to early in the summer and then remaining dormant until the next bloom season which makes them adaptable to being drought resistant.



 A very popular plant used by gardeners as a bulb that are available in a variety of colours filling the garden with their vibrant colours. Used as borders and blended in with a mixture of plants creating contrast with a variety of plants. They are adaptable and will do well in a sandy garden and a soil that is well drained. They are also cold tolerant and there is no need to remove them from the ground because of the cold weather. Perfect for borders, container gardens and for the enjoyment of cut flowers.

 Day lily

 Expect this plant to spread like a wildflower. If this is a concern for you, place it in a container to avoid overgrowth. Otherwise, it makes a great boarder. They are drought-resistant with long blooms and can be found in a variety of colours, yellow, white, orange and many more. Very little water is needed to care for this plant.


 These are amazing bulbs to choose for any garden space. A favourite for many gardens and adds such beauty and lush to your garden. My experience after planting and seeing these beautiful blooms was a lot of inquiries about the plant from others admiring the beautiful flowers that was in bloom. They are drought tolerant and have been known to survive for years which will make your planting less time consuming and also helps with your budget.You can expect these fragrant flowers to bloom in late spring or sometimes they will bloom early in the summer.



 Although these are beautiful plants to grow in the garden. They are poisonous to humans and pets and may cause some skin irritation. So special care will be needed in handling and a lot of thought in growing these beautiful flowers. They will need to be placed in a well-drained soil and are considered drought tolerant. Expect them to bloom in mid spring.



You will find these popular plants growing in the Caribbean, Mexico, and Central America. They have become quite popular and are used especially at Christmas time. They are available in red, white, pink and a blend of colours and makes a beautiful display piece for the home and also in an outdoor space provided that you are living in a warm climate. It is a tropical plant which requires lots of sunshine. They are drought tolerant and are not adaptable to the cold temperatures.

They are poisonous if injected and special care will be required around pets. Once they have bloomed, they will be dormant with a green foliage and like an orchid will bloom in the next season.

 Cacti and Succulents

 Known for their ability to survive in desert conditions with sandy soil and lots of sunshine. These plants require very little water and will need to be in an area that is well drained. There are no concerns with pets except for the spiny leaves that protrude which can be handled with the proper gloves. There is a vast amount of variety to choose, and they will survive indoors or outdoors with lots of sunshine. They make an excellent choice because they consume very little water and are perfect for dry conditions. What is unique about these plants is their ability to store water in their leaves preventing the need to be constantly watering them.

 Adams Needle Yucca Plant

 This is a popular plant grown in the Caribbean with green and yellow foliage that is long and slender. My experience with this plant is not paying much attention to it and yet it continued to grow outdoors in the warm climate. At the end of the leaves, it has a sharp pointed tip like a needle and needs to handled carefully. It will do well in drought like conditions with a hot tropical climate which makes it an excellent plant to grow with very little water needed.

 What are the Benefits in Using Drought Resistant Plants

 Caring for the environment is a major concern. If we are not consuming as much water which is wasted in our sewer system, then it is an advantage and a chance to conserve what we sometimes take for granted in a developed world. There are places in the world where water is scarce, and their only reliance is on rainwater to help. If we are doing our part to help the environment, then our conservation is assisting to make the world a place for preservation.

It is a practical way to sustain a garden without having to replant these plants yearly which makes it budget friendly as you will be spending less each year.

Using drought resistant plants reduces the amount of erosion in the soil as they contain the water. Helping in the preservation of the soil.

With the little attention required it will become a garden that can sustain itself and therefore reduce the time spent in caring for it with a busy lifestyle.

 The Disadvantage of Using Drought Resistant Plants

 All plants are susceptible to diseases, and it is possible that this can happen. In this case it is possible to loose these plants and you will be left with the possibility of replanting them.

Another disadvantage is the gardener may grow tired of seeing the same plants in the garden year after year and may choose to remove them and plant others.

There may be a period of constant rain and not allowing the soil to drain properly and causing root rot and other issues due to a lack of drying period which can destroy the plant.

 Choose Plants That are a Good Fit for Your Environment.

 It is important to be aware that your environment plays a critical part in the type of plants that will grow well there.  It is aways best to see which plants will do well in your local area. Some plants are adaptable because of the soil type while other will take longer and need more attention.

If you soil is tested before planting, it’s a good opportunity that lets you know what type of plants to choose before planting. With this knowledge beforehand you will have the advantage of adding whatever is needed to produce a flourishing garden. Tropical plants will always do well in hot climate with adequate rainfall and soil which consist of clay, gravel, sand, and decayed organic matter. The humidity plays in important part along with good drainage and a lots of sunshine.

Other organic matter like composed foods adds essential nutrients to the soil and helps in areas with poor soil. By adding the right fertilizers, it will help to replace or add proper nutrients to the soil that is missing.

 Research Before You Plant

 It is aways good to know before deciding on whether or not it is this is a good fit for your garden space. Decisions will have to be made if you will enjoy it and for how long. This needs some research and an artistic eye to see what can be planted in the space if you decide to use drought-resistant plants. An examination of the soil will be required. Sketch what you would like the garden to look like and then decided on which plants will work well in the space. Once this decision is made then you are ready to transform the space. Maintenance will be much easier that a traditional garden as you will be spending less time to take care of the plants as they are self-sustainable and conserving on the water used saving yourself some cost on your water bill.

 Conserving What We are Given

If we all took the time to participating in gardens that help the environment and consume less water, we will assist in sustaining the environment for the future. Wasting what we are given to take care of is not an effective method to conserve for the future generation.

We have all seen the devastating effect that drought can have on the environment and the destruction of the soil and crops because of lack of water. Not to mention the lack of the ability to grow food and thereby producing starvation in many countries and destroying the economy.

 It is important to consider what is best for the environment with crops, and plants that are important and will help to sustain the environment. It is not possible to grow only drought-resistant or drought- tolerant plants for consumption only but if we took the time to do our part, we are helping in the preservation and sustainability of the environment we live in.

 Plants Can be Adaptable

 The study of plants is a fascinating world to discover. Plants like the Cacti a desert plant teaches us some amazing facts about their life and their ability to survive harsh conditions in areas like the desert where it hot and dry with very little rainfall and their ability to adapt to the environment by storing it water in the leaves and for others the root system. Whereas there are plants that thrive on water would not be able to survive these hard conditions.

It is possible that this same environment can be created in your garden to plant and grow crops that require very little water and making the space transformable. Although you may face some challenges in getting the garden started. It could take a bit of time experimenting with different plants to see what the perfect fit for the space is.

The advantages to the gardener in planting this garden helps with the environment for the consumption of water and helps to prevent overuse of water adding to the sewer system.

Less consumption of water assists with the homeowner saving money and also the need to constantly replenish the garden annually. There is less time require for those with a busy lifestyle to take care of the plants allowing more freedom to do other things in the home and elsewhere. Overall, this garden is helpful to the environment by using less consumption of water and a good way for its preservation.













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