Nine Easy Vegetables for a Beginner’s Garden

Nine Easy Vegetables for a Beginner’s Garden

Starting your own back yard garden have now become a trend especially with the cost of living escalating and the concern about pesticides on the food. More people are now starting to realize that it is better to eat what is home grown than to be worried about what pesticides have been used to produce the vegetables being consumed. With this in mind I am encouraged and motivated into growing more food at home than buying at the store. From my observation it seems that the home-grown food is much fresher and seem to last much longer than the store-bought ones.

As a beginner it is always best to start with plants that are easy to grow to avoid discouragement and failure in the garden. Gardening is a science, and it teaches us lessons about our environment and how it affects the plants which grow. The conditions that are favourable to them to produce a good crop and we learn what is disadvantageous to their well-being. The following vegetables are selected to begin as a starter for your garden.They are easy to grow and there is a good chance these will do quite well to start with they are also low maintenance.


Be prepared to place these plants at the back of the garden preferably a fence as they will need some type of support as they grow on a vine. You can use a stake, trellis or an arch structure. If you are skillful and are able to use a cord to create a netting structure, that will be very beneficial but must be supported by some structure. Plant where it has access to full sunshine and needs a good amount of water but should not be overwatered.  A good rule is to plant them approximately one inch deep and about twelve inches apart. A well-drained soil or using organic soil or compost soil is helpful.

If you notice that the plant is flowering too early in its growth and the stems are not sturdy enough then it is a good idea to remove them so the plant can focus on building the other structures to become healthy.

Attracting pollinators like butterflies, bees are encouraged because both male and female flowers need to interact with each other so the female flower will be able to produce the fruit. Cucumbers are known to produce a large quantity of fruit once pollinated either be insect or by hand.

Cucumbers are also compatible with some vegetables while growing like kale, tomatoes and pumpkin so each compliments each other. It is important to harvest the fruit before it becomes yellow on the vine. The earlier it’s done the better the taste will be. There have been questions concerning whether it is good to remove the bottom leaves of the plant. This will be if you think your plant is using too much energy to feed them and it looks limp. Otherwise, if it is flourishing then I would leave them.


Every garden needs something sweet to munch on and these fruits are no exception. While they can be tasty and sweet they can become very invasive to your garden and will need to be placed in a container or an enclosed area where there is more control. I have selected this berry because it is easy to grow for a beginner. Strawberries come in different varieties producing fruit at one time during the summer for a short period.

Others will give a smaller harvest usually beginning in early summer and towards the end of the season. They can be grown from seeds but generally takes a longer time to sprout as it involves placing them in the freezer for a period of  time and then starting the growing process. My preference is to purchase from the garden center which I think is much easier.

Strawberries are low bearing plants and can either be grown indoors or outdoors. Containers like hanging baskets with good drainage are great for them. This makes it easier to reap the fruit at harvest and keep bugs and insects away like slugs. A well-drained slightly acidic soil is good and adding compost material will enrich the soil to produce a good harvest.

Strawberries enjoy lots of sunlight and also a good way to keep the temperature regulated around the plant is by adding mulch. If you have had the chance to go strawberry picking you will notice that generally most farms use mulching to prevent weeds from overtaking the plant and keeping the soil moist and cool.

When watering the plant place the hose directly at the base of the plant and try to avoid getting the leaves wet. This will prevent disease from attacking the plant. You will notice that as the plant grows baby plants will develop which can be replanted to produce more plants in the future. Weeding away the dead leaves and dried stems is also recommended to keep the plant healthy.


With so many varieties to choose this is the perfect vegetable to begin in the garden. You may want to try Cherry tomatoes great in salads, Beefsteak, Roma or the Heirloom variety are just a few of the varieties that can be grown. My first experience with growing tomatoes was planting so many of them that it became too overwhelming and crowded for the small space. It is recommended that you select the ones you wish to grow and do not plant too many at one time. Tomatoes are inexpensive to purchase and when it begins to bear fruit it does it in bunches and produces a lot of fruit. You will not be able to consume that much unless you are giving some to your family and friends.

Selecting sweet tomatoes and preserving the seeds to grow can be done. It requires patience to begin to sew the seed early and you may need to use a grow light to assist with this especially for those who experience winter months. The other option is to purchase from your local garden center and generally this is much easier rather than keeping them indoors unless you are living in a zone that permits you to keep them outdoors in full sunshine.

Tomatoes need a warm climate and space which includes planting them twelve inches or more away from each other. It requires a stake, ties or a tomato cage to help with their growth. A well-drained soil with compost materials is recommended and using natural fertilizers are also useful like crushed eggshells and banana peels help to enhance its growth and fruit production.

It is also recommended to prune the plants early. Removing suckers that slows the growth and fruit production is helpful. You will notice a more robust plant as soon as these are removing producing a much healthier plant. I generally apply this rule for watering plants either water before the sun comes up and after it goes down and it generally works for me. In this way I am not allowing the water to heat up in the ground when the sun is at its hottest and causing the plant to wilt and die.

Always water the root of the plant and not the leaves. To maintain a good temperature, add mulch and it is helpful for reducing weeds. Keeping the tomatoes on the vine is a good option. In this way you are allowing the fruit to mature, and the taste is much better.


A tasty tea which has many beneficial properties for soothing the stomach and relaxing the mind. There are other varieties like spearmint. It is quite invasive and the chances of it dying is limited. I recommend placing this plant in a container where it can be controlled easily. It needs a moist soil with sunshine and generally can be grown with limited attention. It grows quickly and returns after the winter months. If you are concerned, you can remove it and keep it indoors for those months. Covering the plant if left outdoors is also another option. It will need some pruning but will bounce back in a short time.


This is an easy growing vegetable considered one of the superfoods, rich in iron and other nutrients beneficial to the body. It is a quick harvesting plant that can be consumed within six weeks or earlier and will depend on the size of the leaves. It can be found in different varieties depending on your own preference. It grows in a rich moist soil and is considered a crop for Spring as well as for Fall. It needs sunshine and can tolerate some shade. Spinach can be grown in containers but must have a good drainage. By adding mulch to the base of the plant helps to protect it from drying out. You can determine if the plant needs water by looking at the leaves any wilting will indicate that the soil has become too dry and needs adjusting. Planting can be done three inches apart unless they are being grown in containers. If your backyard is prone to having rabbits, they will devour them so placing this vegetable in a raised garden bed is recommended. A good fertilizer is recommended. I prefer to use natural fertilizers like crushed eggshells, but that choice is entirely up to you.


This is a quick harvest growing plant that is grown as the leafy lettuce or the head lettuce. It requires a moist loose soil  that needs full to partial sunshine. Frequent watering is necessary so the leaves will not wilt during dry periods.

Lettuce can be grown in containers on balconies, decks, raised garden beds and vertical planters with pockets. I think the vertical structure is good to avoid insect infestation of the leaves and other animals that are attractive to it.

Placing them in a raised garden bed is also useful and can help to control various bugs that find the leaves an attraction. Although it is possible to plant crops that are a deterrent from insects there are others that are not good companions like broccoli and cabbage for lettuce. Frequent showers of water are best to help with its growth along with mulch to keep the moisture in the soil from evaporating.


Zucchini belongs to the group of plants that trail. They need good support as they are able to grow to various large sizes and will depend on which variety is planted. The female flower require pollination from insects like bees or hand pollination to produce a lot of fruit. Adequate sunshine is needed for its survival. If pollination is done correctly the plant will produce and lot of fruit and having more than one plant is advantageous in its production.

They can be grown in containers as long as it is a good size and has a good support structure. Pinching off the flowers early are a good way to make sure the plant will establish healthy foliage and a good root system. They require a well-drained soil. Once they have grown to approximately six inches it is time to harvest before it becomes inedible and loses it taste.


A great addition to the garden as long as you are patient enough as this can take more than eighty days to mature until they are ready for consumption. It requires a well-drained soil with some compost for planting. Loosen the soil and add a  potassium-based fertilizer before planting. Direct sunlight is  needed for their growth. They can be planted straight into the garden as well as in containers with a good potting mix.  A sandy soil can help to boost the production. Containers and raised garden beds can help to deter slugs and animals from interfering with their growth. Plant approximately twelve inches deep allowing some distance between the plants.

Carrots are prone to having carrot flies and other insects. By using the companion gardening concept this can help to reduce the amount of insects that would normally be attracted to the plant. A good deterrent is to plant onions which has a strong smell and helps to alleviate their attraction. Another plant that works well in most garden is marigold which is a deterrent against most insects and at the same time working as an attraction for pollinators.

Once the plant is ready for harvest you will notice the tops seem to be bursting out of the ground and has it full colour. You can check by testing one by pulling from the top holding firmly and its size will be an indication that it is ready.

Green Onions

This is an easy growing vegetable and a good beginners choice. Used in many dishes and salads. A good compliment to have in any garden. Expect these vegetables to begin to sprout within two weeks or less after planting. They grow well in sandy soil that is well-drained. Place in a location with full sunshine and starting as early as spring.

They can also be grown in containers that have a good drainage system. Adding water when necessary but avoiding overwatering and making sure they are not drenched to where the soil is too soggy. Green onions are prone to having slugs attack them, so attention needs to adhered. What is amazing about these plants is once they have reached just below a foot you can start cutting what is needed and they will begin to regrow. This was one of the plants I planted in the garden that just flourished and was easy to grow.

It is my hope that with these suggestions you will be encouraged to start a garden and enjoy the harvest that comes with it. Once you have started you will realize that it is not as difficult as it seems. Gardening for most of us involves experimenting at some time in our lifetime and seeing what works. Unfortunately, no one is able to achieve perfection especially as a beginner. It takes time, some research, learning through trial and error and eventually getting it right. It may not be perfect but as long as things are growing  in your own garden then that’s an accomplishment.



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