Use Artificial Plants to Enhance Your Space

Compliment your Space with Artificial Plants

My experience with artificial plants happened when my stager placed a plant on my front porch. I had no idea that it was an artificial plant. Then I thought to myself she forgot to inform me how often I should water the plant. I began to place my hands on it to see how dry it was, and it was then I discovered that it was not real.

Artificial plants have come a long way since they were placed on the market and now it is difficult at times to differentiate the real from the fake ones. There is so much intricate detail that the plant itself seem to come alive in the space. Some are made better than others. The choice then becomes how much do you want to invest in it.

The use of this plants has become quite popular due to the low maintenance required. Anyone who is an allergy sufferer welcomes this as an alternative without being concerned with different scents that can trigger an allergic reaction. The only requirement needed is some cleaning to keep the environment dust free as you would normally do with any furniture.

Succulents They can be placed practically anywhere windowsills and be less concerned about them being exposed to too much sunlight. Add them to small spaces and book shelving to create charm along with chosen display pieces. Bathrooms seem to be a popular choice and they always look amazing there.

What I enjoy about this type of artificial plant is the leaves stay attached instead of falling off at the slightest touch which can become annoying at times. I seem to have this issue with the real plants as they are so delicate and needs to be handled carefully. Somehow the best way to handle these is by placing them into a transparent glass container where there is little handling of the delicate leaves. By using the fake plants, they are easier to cope with.

Cascading Plants will aid to brighten your old furniture, plants can be placed strategically to cover up fading. Hang them in baskets or flowerpots that display their flowing limbs and greenery or on cupboards so everyone can appreciate their beauty. They can be bought in any colour to match your furniture and combined with other selections to create uniqueness. Use them in planter boxes alongside real plants and they will be difficult to distinguish between the real from the fake ones. Create the illusion that all are real with careful selection. Ivy, Tradescantia Zebrina or String of Pearls are some selections that will help to enhance the space.

 Using Plant Leaves as Décor Using large leaves in its natural colour or painted in different colours like silver, gold or white are other methods to create style and class in the home. When using this technique, it is recommended to use an exceptional vase or container that will elevate the space. Plants like Palm trees, Fern, Sea Grass and Fiddle Leaf Fig are just a few to give the space charm and character.

 Using your Wall as A Backdrop

Your wall is a blank canvas waiting for you to add your own personal touch exploring your own creative mind.  You may be surprised with what your own mind holds that is very artistic when given the right opportunity.This is what will give your home its own distinctiveness and separates it from your family and friends. It should be a place that gives you a peace of mind when you step into it.

You can construct a backdrop of flowers that create your own style like a collage. While travelling on my vacation I was drawn to what I thought was a painting on a backdrop instead it was made with plants that were used and was in the shape of a bird. It was so amazing and creative to see this. While it was done on a large scale the same concept can be used as a smaller piece in the home. Or use in picture frame and use it to tell a story. The suggested plants that I would use would be small like succulents. It makes it easier if this is your focus or use the leaves of flowering plants to create any design that your prefer.

Hooks are perfect for hanging plants. It avoids using bulk items attached to the wall and gives you the chance to select just the pieces that need to be hung. It also allows you to create your own style and design for the space.

Garden Terrarium

An original method of using plants and placing them into an enclosed transparent object is another way to use the faux plants. In this way it removes the possibility of having mold and moss growing on the inside of the container and this will always keep it fresh to give the space some character for all to enjoy without the task of the extra work to take care of it. The hardest part will be putting it together with the plants that have been selected and to create the intended look.

Bonsai Tree

These offer distinctiveness to the space because of the way they are presented. A mature tree with so much detail in a miniature form. It is truly an art with true dedication to perfection. Placing this tree in your home creates individuality and shows the beauty of the plant. They are available in a blend of colours for your liking. They are usually constructed with a durable material like glass so they generally last for a long time.

Wreaths and Garlands

Hang this in a special place with the selection of your favourite flowers. Front doors or places that showcases your own personality. Choose green plants with some floral arrangements. If you prefer the dried arrangement which are available in many colours to match the season these options are also available.

 Engage with Wood

Driftwood is unique because there will be no two pieces that will be the same in its appearance and gives the place charm and personality. Add floral arrangements to the wood to create style. Carving a spot on the wood to keep the plant in place is helpful. Or placing it on the top portion to give uniqueness to the space. Be creative and add some lighting to the arrangement to add originality to the room.

Make Use of your Vertical Space

Sometimes it is easy to forget that there is a space above that can be used effectively. By adding several layers of plants on walls, this create an easy fix to small spaces and to avoid clutter of too many flower pots being in one location. Introduce hanging baskets which takes up very little room and allows for the space to feel airy and free flowing.

Some Advantages in Using Artificial Plants

  • Selection a good quality faux is important for durability. Some are made very poorly and will not last and there are issues with the limbs breaking or even issues with toxicity. Look for well-made plants and sellers that have a good reputation.
  • Some plants are dangerous or poisonous to humans and pets. There is very little concerned when using these plants as this is eliminated.
  • Overwatering and underwatering of plants are a main concern to many and also spilling water indoors. There is no chance of this happening.
  • Overgrown roots and the need to change pots. Economically the need to repurchase these pots are not necessary. In the long run you are saving money.
  • No need to buy fertilizers and they will not be needed.
  • These plants can be placed anywhere in the home without the need for sunshine or filtered light. Dark corners will now be able to showcase your plants.
  • The purchase of tropical plants is a possibility because there is no concerned about humidity and other temperature control during the winter months.
  • Pests are eliminated and can’t destroy this plant.
  • They make great bouquets especially for weddings and special events without breaking the bank.


These plants will not be able to purify or clean the space by removing the carbon dioxide and replacing it with oxygen. Also, it will require some dusting and wiping to revive them. If they are made with very poor material, then it will not last and be a waste of money. Then it’s a matter of reinvesting again to purchase the same thing. Over time you may become tired of the seeing the same plants in the space but that can be done by replacing them with new one to brighten up the space.

Enrich your Space with Trees

As you introduce plants into your home, you are bringing in the outdoor space into your home and that will include trees. It is sometimes impossible to take them indoors because there is no accommodation to keep them without adequate space and all the elements that are required to allow the plant to function and grow in its natural habitat.

The alternative is to use fake ones which are easier to handle. When making choices review pictures of the real plant  or visit garden centres and compare the ones that are being sold. Attention to detail is important like the structure of the trunk, the branches, leaves and fruit on the trees. The leaves should not all be the same colour but a variation.

In Practicality trees do not have their leaves or branches looking identical. Olive trees that are well made can add elegance to the space. Fruit bearing trees like lemon are also classy and makes the space feel welcoming to your guests. With the addition of the Banana plants with its large leaves, this will introduce a tropical setting especially for areas with sparse furniture for all to embrace. Any plant with large leaves allows for old furniture not to become very noticeable and the plant will become the focal point. It is also reduces the amount of furniture needed for the space and prevents overcrowding. I have selected a few plants that can add some elegance to the space.

  • Bird of Paradise tropical in nature with large green leaves and blooms orange flowers.
  • Pink or White grass and excellent choice for large planters.
  • Cherry Blossom flower in pink or white filled with life and beauty.
  • Orchid makes an exceptional centre piece, in a dining area, bathrooms or any space that needs to be highlighted with something exceptional.
  • Fern adds so much greenery to your space and always looks full and amazing.
  • Bougainvillea If you are looking for bright colours then choose this to brighten the space.
  • Roses always lovely to have especially in bouquets for focal points.
  • Peonies vibrant and lovely colours. Great to refresh your space and add colours.

 Busy Lifestyle

Artificial plants are the easiest way to incorporate plants in the space if you have a busy lifestyle and absolutely have not time to take care of them. Or if you are a forgetful person and will not remember to add water and the other nutrients, they require then this will be the best choice. It is possible that you may not have a green thumb and plants seem not to survive in your home which can be due to many factors like sunshine, humidity, soil and just annoying pests. With this choice there is very little concern, and you are left without worry about them. Frequent travelling or being away from home certainly solves this problem.

Let Your Imagination Do the Work

Treat your home as an art piece waiting to be discovered on a blank canvas. This artwork is waiting for you the artist to make this blank canvas come to light with your amazing touch. As you work with different colours and textures, plants and furniture it will begin to take its particular form. Just as an artist takes a blank canvas and begins to work and no one has any idea what is in his mind and yet is able to produce a painting from his imagination. Allow your imagination to put pieces and colours together to create your own artwork. You may not have any idea what the final product will be. But continue to experiment with different plants, colours and textures until you are able to achieve the success that you hoped for.





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