Companion Gardening

Have you ever thought of growing a variety of crops in one space? Try companion gardening as a solution to solve areas with little space. Not only will you be finding this useful, but you will be able to solve some of your pest problems as well.

What is Companion Gardening

This is a type of garden in which groups of plants are placed together in close proximity to each other and become useful in utilizing the space to be more effective in the production of a crop.

The goal is for the benefit of one or both plants acting as a companion for each other to serve an objective. Companion garden helps to add nutrients to the soil, assist in pollination, increase crop productivity, and is used as a pest control.

 Pest Control

Pest control is the ability of controlling an animal or fungus that inhibits the growth of a plant and its location. This technique of planting different crops together for a purpose is not new and has been used previously in Asia and the Indigenous people of America and different parts of the world for hundreds of years.

This can be used as a preventative measure to combat the spread of plant disease. It is difficult to control the disease affecting a specific plant if they are all grouped together in the same space. An example of how companion gardening is effective is by planting marigold it protects the soil to maintain its health, it assists with bee pollination as well as repelling pests like aphids, and cabbage worms. Marigold is also considered a good companion for tomatoes, potatoes, and kale. The purpose of using marigold is because of its ability to release chemicals that act as a deterrent for garden pests.

Another example is placing garlic with its pungent smell to deter aphids from attacking lettuce. Parsley is a great companion for tomatoes which protects and assist in pollination. If you need to boost the flavour and health of your tomatoes plant basil near them which makes a great companion.

Corn makes a good companion for spinach. The corn being a taller plant acts as an umbrella giving the spinach shade which is good for its growth and development and in turn the spinach assist in regulating the temperature by cooling the corn’s root system. So, both interact offering a balance by proving help to each other.

Planting onions with carrot and cabbage makes a good pair. The strong smell of the onion acting as a deterrent for pests and also animals like rabbits. Onions also help to alleviate the carrot fly which is a pest and also offer a defence against the cabbage worm.

 What is the purpose of Pollinators

These are animals or insects that create a function by helping to transfer pollen from one plant to another. This results in increase crop production of the plant’s fruit and its seeds.

The main pollinators are ants, bees, bats, butterflies, birds, beetles, wasp, and flies. There are other animals that do function in this capacity also. Humans have also played a part in assisting by hand also known as artificial pollination.

Wind has provided help in this process especially for large crop production. Wind is more effective for plants that grow erect like rice, wheat, and barley. Unfortunately, the wind is only able to transport pollen for a short distance and the quantity is usually small and can be insufficient.

 Promote a Healthy Plant with Companion Gardening

By grouping plants together that are compatible in the same shared space the end result is the utilization of the space effectively. Also companionship of crops adds an improvement to the taste and quality of the plant resulting in plants that are healthier to consume.  Using Marigold for the purpose of acting as is a repellant for lettuce and parsley prevents the need of using a chemical treatment and will result in a more superior product.

Sunflower is one of the tallest flower which can provide shade during the hot periods when the sun is at its peak while the other plants below are benefiting from its covering. Sunflower is also helpful to the soil by removing pesticides, arsenic, and Uranium.

Legumes added to the garden takes care of any nitrogen issues. An interaction between bacteria in the soil and nitrogen in the atmosphere is shared with the host plant which provides the plant with this nutrient and is also added to the soil.


This is a blend of plants and animals including microorganism that function in an area to create an ecosystem of togetherness. Each working in harmony to function cooperatively in our world.

Looking at the cycle of a seed. We plant it into the soil, water and sunshine are needed for its development. Eventually it is pollinated by insects to increase production of food for animals and for human consumption. That seed can also develop into a tree providing oxygen and removing the carbon dioxide supplying us with a clean and healthy atmosphere. By using companion gardening it creates a balanced ecosystem of harmony.

 Taking Advantage of Limited Space

 If your outdoor garden space is inadequate. You may be thinking why bother planting anything. It’s a great way to take full advantage of companion gardening by creating ideas of plants or vegetables that complement each other for flavour to increase yields of crops especially for vegetables.

By making a good plan choose which vegetables or plants you are interested, and which ones will complement each other like parsley and thyme, rosemary with broccoli. In this way the space situation is easily solved, and you are left with a garden that is bigger with yields that you never anticipated would work. Each working to enhance the flavour, keeping the insects away and attracting the pollinators to your garden.

 Reducing Weeds

 Companion gardening can be used as an effective way to reduce weeds. Birds are one of the contributors to weeds as they carry the seeds in their flight destination and deposit them on their way. Consider planting crops that create some thickness and shade to the land making it next to impossible for the seeds to grow. The lack of sunshine prevents the weeds from growing. You may want to add plants like Creeping Phlox, Creeping Thyme, and Hosta these will help to control those weeds.

With the discovery of how dangerous pesticides are to the environment and to our own health. The choices are becoming more evident that using the organic method is best rather than to have them chemically treated.

 Reducing the Risk of Disease

One clear advantage of companion gardening is the ability to control the spread of disease. By growing a mixture of plants in the same location. You have limited the potential of the disease to overtake the entire crop. Tomatoes are a good example when mixed with complimentary herbs. This will avoid the risk of wiping out an entire crop and having it spread to the other plants.

 Management of Nutrients

It is possible that over time you soil may be deficient in a nutrient. Companion garden helps to eradicate that problem by improving the fertility of the soil. By adding plants within close proximity are ways to improve the mineral content naturally.

 Alfalfa is generally grown for livestock and belongs to the legume family which included beans and peas they add nitrogen to the soil. Its conversion is unique because of its ability to use the atmosphere to its advantage and convert nitrogen so it beneficial to the soil. Its fibrous root system also improves the component of the soil to become more healthy.

Comfrey is a perennial shrub native to Europe, Asia, and North America. It is rich in potassium and nitrogen. The plant has the ability to access the nutrients in the soil that are deep. Recycle the leaves as a mulch to add these nutrients to your garden space.

Borage this plant has been used for oils in medication and for cooking. It has the ability to absorb the nutrients from the soil and bring these minerals to the surface of the soil making it and excellent plant for mulch. Use the leaves after pruning as a mulch to return these nutrients into the soil.

Yellow Mustard is a ground covering plant. It is used to improve the soil and has the capability to improve the overall health of the soil. When it is blended with the soil the results will be the release of compounds that removes pathogens from the soil.

Lupine belongs to the legume family and has the ability to add nitrogen to the soil which makes it an important plant for soil health. It is grown in parts of Africa, North America, and the Mediterranean. It is grown as a cover crop and also known to attract pollinators.

 Using Plants as a Mask

There are plants that have a strong fragrance that it becomes a natural deterrent to pests and animals. The smell of Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Thyme, and Oregano are all helpful in keeping insects especially mosquitos away from you. Plant Peppermint in your garden to get rid of ants. This plant can become invasive so it’s best to have it in a controlled area or container.

 Marigold releases chemicals that protect your beans, while they add nitrogen to the soil in partnership. Garlic gives off a pungent smell but helps to control rodents and pests out of your garden. Echinacea is a cone shaped flower that attracts bees for pollination. The Blue Spire Russian Sage is a fragrant plant which allures butterflies to assist in pollination. Achillea millefolium is a plant with large flowers and vibrant colours entices bees.

 Sacrificing Your Plants

It may become essential in companion gardening to produce a crop as a preventative measure to save what is the desired ones and to have your garden flourish. It is possible to plant a crop to lure insects to that plant to save the remaining ones that you desire. What is being practiced is setting a trap in the garden for the pest by using plants to create the purpose for which the garden was intended for. 

 This system uses plants to trap the pests so they will not be attracted to the plants that you care about. These plants holding the trap become the sacrificed plants for the creation of a healthier or a superior garden. The pests are lured away and cause less damage to the desired plants. You can plant Basil as a sacrificial plant as this herb will get rid of flies. Lemongrass will repel bugs. Alliums will remove slugs from the garden.

 A natural Solution 

Let us use this concept of companion gardening as a method to create an environment that is healthier and sustainable for our future and our ecosystem. It is my belief that if we can eliminate or reduce the amount of chemicals in our environment, we can reduce the risk associated with the side effects of its continuous use and lower the risk of various disease in plants and animals.

Once this is achieved our planet will be able to function the way it was created. It is our responsibility to take care of what has been given to us so the next generation will be able to follow our example and enjoy what has been handed to them.

 Having made the decision to engage in companion gardening it is essential to follow the guidelines to produce a healthy garden. There are plants that cannot be grown together. Placing emphasis on completing a careful research and proper planning are needed to ensure that the garden will be fruitful and work effectively to enhance the ecosystem and engage in biodiversity.

Getting it perfect may not be achievable in a short time. It will take you a little while to study what grows well in your area. It is possible to make a few mistakes along the way. This is a learning curb and as you plant and research you will discover what works for you.

Our world was created to flourish part of which is recycling. Diversity and companionship are essential keys to maintain an environment that is healthy that will be able to sustain all living creatures for a long time.

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