Buying Plants on Impulse

Buying Plants on Impulse

Plant quarantine a good choice

Have you ever aimlessly walked into a store and suddenly you are attracted to the plant section ? Well, that happens to me all the time. Total plant distraction and instead of buying what you are supposed to purchase you end up with a cart full of all kinds of plants and your trunk is full and suddenly you are thinking why I bought so many plants and where am I going to put them.  So, you are finally home and immediately your brain starts thinking maybe this would be suitable on the ledge or that one could go in the bathroom or maybe this will work for my bedroom.

 Research before purchasing

I have learnt a valuable lesson which I would like to pass on to you in hopes that you will not make the same mistake I made. Before bringing any plant into any space especially indoors it is best to quarantine them because you have no idea what you could be bringing into your home. I decided to do some research and used a simple technique and so far, it seemed to have worked.

As much as these plants are beautiful, and you just want to take them all home be sure to check them first for any signs of pests and quarantine them to be on the safe side you never know what could be lurking below the surface of your plant. 

Homemade solution can be helpful

You may even need to use a mild solution to make sure there are nothing crawling such as spider mites. That was my issue with these lovely orchids I brought home and had them on display in my home. I noticed cobwebs and so I sprayed it with a home-made solution, but they were still coming back and would not go away.

It is always good to constantly check your plants for any sign of a pest eating the leaves or trying to create a home on your plant, so a mild spray is aways good to have. I prefer to use natural sprays which are better for the environment and for your own health.



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